Monday, September 2, 2019

Bio-data-Chandrakanth Jamadar

          M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., PhD
                                  Asst. Professor of Psychology
P.G. Studies in Psychology
Maharani's Arts College for Women
J.L.B. Road, Mysore-570005.
Mobile No.  9738757666
Date of appointment             :          03/09/2009
Teaching Experience            :           09 yrs 6 month
Area of Specialization           : Positive Psychology, Indian Psychology                                                                                              
 Gold medal &First Rank in M.A.

Presented Paper in International conferences
1.                  Presented paper is international conference on psychology in mental health, Journey of a Profession: Prospects and Challenges, Held on July 26-28 J 2007, In NIMHANS, Bangalore.
2.                  Presented paper is second international Buddhist conference on perspectives on Engaged Buddhism, 17-18, April, 2010, Nagpur.
3.                  Presented paper in International conference on enhancing human potential: Bio-Psychosocial perspectives on Nov. 15-17-2010 in Chandigarh University, Punjab.
4.                  Presented paper in International conference on positive psychology: A New Approach to mental health held on August 8 2010 in Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur.
5.                  Presented paper in 7th National and 1st International conference of academy of Psychologists on “ Mental health and well-being “ on 8-9 April 2011 in Institute of management studies, Bangalore
6.                  Presented paper in International conference of Applied Psychology,Feb 24-25,2012 in Punjab University,Chandigarh.
7.                  Presented paper in “The Indian science congress Association,3-7,2012 in KIIT University,Bhuvaneswar.
Participated in International conferences
1.                  Participated in First International multi-disciplinary conference on “current research trends, held on Nov. 20 & 21 2009 at Mysore.
2.                  Participated in International conference on career guidance and counseling organized by International Association for Educational and Vocational guidance. In NIMHANS, Bangalore, held on Oct, 8, 9 & 10, 2010.
3.                  Participated in First International ABA conference in India hotel Taj, Bangalore held on Dec-11-12, 2010.
4.                  Participated in International conference on counseling as a tool for non-violent social change, held on Jan 4, 6 2011 in Vellore, Tamil Nadu.
5.                  Participated in 46th National and 15th International conference of the IAAP on life skills for quality of life on 4-6, Feb 2011 in Mysore.
Presented Paper in National Conferences
1.                  Presented paper is National conference on Applied Psychology, career opportunities in Psychology: potential areas and required skills. Held on Jan 6-7, 2007 in VBS Purvancual University, Jaunpur.
2.                  Presented paper is National conference of community psychology Association of India, Challenges in 21st Century held on Feb 4-6, 2007 in Pune University.
3.                  Presented conference of AOP. Held on March 29-30, 2007, in S.V. University, Tirupati, (AP).
4.                  Presented paper is 6th National conference of AOP, held on Sep. 13, 14, 2010, S.V. University, Tirupati (AP).
5.                  Presented paper is UGC National Seminar on Women, Health and Development: Issues and Challenges held on 25-26, Feb 2011, in Karnataka University Dharwad Karnataka.
6.                  Presented paper is UGC National level conference on “Current trends in Physical Education and sports science in Mandya on 13 & 14th May 2011.
7.                  Presented paper titled marital adjustment, Depression, Anxiety and stress among HIV working and non-working married woman in Iamh, Dharwad on 8th & 29th March 2011.
8.                  Presented paper in Global trends in physical education and sports, Jan 25th -26th, 2011 in Punjab.
Participated in National conferences
1.                  Participated in 5th National conference of IAMH held on 29-30 Jan 2005, in Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka.
2.                  Participated in 5th National Conference of ADP, Symposium on Interface between Medicine &Psychology, in Tirupati.
3.                  Participated in” HR paradigms in the 21st century: A social work perspective “held from 27-29,oct 2010 in JSS college Mysore.
4.                  Participated in “Social transformation through women empowerment “conducted on 5th Nov 2011 at Tumkur University,Tumkur Karnataka.
5.                  Participated in Ethno-historical development of de-notified Tribes: Issue and prospects on Dec 23-24 2010 at centre for the study of social exclusion and inclusive policy and Dept. of studies in History, University of Mysore.
6.                  Participated in “Food inflation- issues and challenges” organized by Dept.of commerce and economics on 4th Feb 2012,at Banumaih college,Mysore.
Organized  National seminar on Education and Mental health2nd march 2013
1.                  Presented Paper in “Combating corruption in India” in UGC National seminar, Gobi Arts collge,Gobichettipalayam,Tamilnadu on 19-20 Aug 2011.
2.                  Presented Paper in “Importance of human rights and women empowerment” in UGC National seminar,Gobi Arts collge,Gobichettipalayam,Tamilnadu on 16-17 sep 2011.
3.                  Presented Paper in Millennium development goals and National mission on education through ICT: the challenges for the Universities” held on sep 7-8,2011 at ICSSR panjab University, Chandigarh.
4.                  Presented Paper in “Mental health and well-being across the life span” held on 17-18, March Department of Psychology,SV University,Tirupati,Andrapradesh.
5.                  Participated in one day seminar on A Need for counseling in improving quality of higher education in Gulbarg Unviersity, Gulbarga, Karnataka held on 26-03-2007.
6.                  Participated in one day Seminar on Job opportunities in areas of Psychology in Rural area held on 20th Oct, 2009 at Indian Institute of Psychology and Research, Bangalore.
7.                  Participated in Research on Yoga in Depression: Neuroimmunology & Neuroplasticity held on 26 Sep 2010 at NIMHANS, Bangalore.
8.                  Participated in one day seminar on “Problems and prospects of Dalit’s in higher education” held on 7th Oct 2011 orgnized by Mysore university SC/ST employees cell,Mysore.
9.                  Participated in “Missing girls and women: Issue and implications” on 23-24 Jan 2012 at University of Mysore,Mysore.
10.              Participated in “women health and development: Issues & challenges” on 25-26 Feb 2011 at Post-Graduate Dept.of studies in sociology,Karnataka university,Dharwad.
11.              Participated in “Status, role and responsibilities of teachers and students in contemporary higher education” conducted on 17-18 Feb 2011 at MGV college muddebihal,Karnataka.
12.              Participated in “Preservation of monuments, importance of inscriptions and the role of these in formation of history” organized by Dept.of History,Govt college,Hassan,Karnataka on 8th March 2011.
13.              Participated in “Environmental law” held at sharadha vilas law college,Mysore on11th March 2011.
14.               Participated in Indian Psychology: challenges and prospects organized by the centre for Indian psychology, Jain Unversity, Bangalore on 6-7 Aug 2011.
15.              Participated in “Empowerment of women: Issues and challenges “organized by Dept.of economics, Vidyodaya college T.Narsipur on 26-27 Aug 2011.
16.              Participated in “Rights for education for special children”organized by Karnataka state Open University Mysore on 7th Feb 2012.
17.              Participated in “solution of social, economic and education sensation off India” organized by Karnataka stste Open University, Mysore on 12th July 2011.
18.              Participated Revised induction training for ICTC counselors under supervisory of NACO and KSAPS, Bangalore, held from 26-02-2007 to 09-03-2007at Gulbarga University, Gulbarga Karnataka.
19.              Participated in one day workshop on Recent Advances in Mental Training under training of Prof. Lars Eric- Unistahl Scandinavian International University – SWEDAN, 14th Nov 2010 at Punjab University, Chandigarh.

Workshops Participated
1.                  Participated one day workshop on “Recent advances in mental training” on 14th Nov 2010 under guidance of Professor LARS ERIC-UNESTAL,Scandian international University,SWEDEN.
2.                  Participated one day workshop on ‘developing human strengths: New Horizons, under guidance of Professor Alex Linley Worwik University, United Kingdom on 18th Nov 2010.
3.                  Participated in ‘Clinical Skills’ held on 3-03-2005 to 27-03-2005 at Kasturaba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka.
4.                  Participated in Workshop on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s vision and Social Exclusion and Inclusion on 27th March 2011 in Mysore.
5.                  Participated in Workshop one day workshop on “ENHANCING LIFE SKILLS” on 26th Feb 2012 Under guidance of Professor LARS ERIC_UNESTAL,Scandian International University,SWEDEN ,at Panjab University,Chandigarh.
6.                  Research methodology, national institute of engineering college, Mysore on5th August 2012.
7.                  Participated in “Teacher Empowerment Training for Assistant Professors” conducted by the Department of Collegiate Education, Govt. of Karnataka on 1st May to 7th May 2011(seven days).
8.                  Participated in “Revised induction training for ICTC Counsellors”at Gulbarga University on 26-02-2007 to 09-03-2007(Thirteen days).

Publications/National/International level
1.                  Life stress and social support among HIV patients. Published in Social science international, special volume, (2009, APA).ISSN.0970-1087.Washington (Refereed and International Indexed).
2.                  Paper entitled “Mental health and Adjustment of MSM published in International Journal of Social action, vol.6 No. 1-2, Jan-Dec-2010, ISSN: 0973-3116, Delhi (Refereed and International Indexed ).
3.                  Paper entitled “The impact of socio-economic status on life stress and adjust mental problems of HIV +ve patients”, International Journal of Transactions In Humanities and Social Sciences, ISSN – 0975-3745, V2, N2, 2010, Meerut (U.P).
4.                  Paper entitled "Effect of Vipasana meditation on mental health" Gorakhpur social scientist, ISSN – 0976-8521, Vol-2, 2010, Gorakhpur (peer reviewed).
5.                  Paper entitled "Gender and age differences in coping styles, perceived social support and quality of life among HIV infected people", Orient Journal of Law & Social Science, Hyderabad, ISSN-0973-7480, Vol-IV, Issue-10, 2010.
6.                  Paper entitled "Adjustment problems and Need for counseling for HIV +ve patients", orient journal of law and social science. Hyderabad, ISSN-0973-7480, Vol, IV, Issue-11, 2010.
7.                  Paper entitled "Impact of Vipasana Meditation on life Stress", Oriental Journal of Law & Social Sciences, Hyderabad, ISSN-0973-7480, Vol-IV, Iwsue-9, 2010.
8.                  Paper entitled "Mental health and Vipasana meditation, Contemporary research in India ,ISSN: 2231-2137,vol-3,Issue-1,2012.
9.                  Paper entitled "Marital Adjustment, Depression, Anxiety and Stress among HIV working and non-working women", Oriental Journal of Low & Social Sciences, Hyderabad, ISSN – 1973-7480, Vol-V, Issue-3, 2011.
10.              Paper entitled “Occupational stress among Doctors” published in Oriental Journal of Law and Social Science, Hyderabad Vol. No. V, Issue-5, ISSN: 0973-7480 April 2011.
11.              Paper entitled "Coping styles, perceived social support and quality of life among HIV infected people", Oriental journal of law and social sciences,Hyderabad,vol.No-v,issue-6 May 2011.
12.              Paper entitled "Post marital sexual anxiety among Doctors", International journal of research in commerce, economics and management, Haryana, volume 1,2011,issue-4(August) (Refereed and International Indexed ).
13.              Paper entitled "Puberty and Amenorrhea among child", PsyInsight journal, Haryana, ISSN: 2229-4937-2011.
14.              Paper entitled “Aged among adjustment”, Published in Asian Journal of Social Science.
15.              Paper entitled "Adjustment among aged", Asian journals of development matters International contemporary & multidisciplinary journal, ISSN: 0973-9629, vol-5, Nov-2011 (Refereed and International Indexed).
16.              Paper entitled "Occupational stress among work motivation among telecom employees" published in Golden research thoughts, ISSN: 2231-5063, vol.l, may-2012 (Refereed and International Indexed).
17.              Paper entitled "Levels of menarche on general health and personal health depression among adolescent girls" published in Indian streams research Journal,vol.l,issue.v/June 2012 (Refereed and International Indexed).
18.              Paper entitled "Social support and mental health among male and female prison inmates", Golden research thoughts, vol.l,Issue.xii/June-2012 (Refereed and International Indexed).
19.              Paper entitled "Depression, anxiety and stress among pregnant women" published in International Journal of contemporary research in India, ISSN: 2231-2137, vol.2, issue 2, June, 2012 (Refereed and International Indexed).
20.              Paper entitled "Impact of vipasana meditation on mental health" published in proceedings of 99th Indian science congress, Bhuvneswar, Jan-2012.
21.               Paper entitled  "Loneliness and quality of life among old age people" ,Social science reporter, vol-3, issue-3, Aug-2013, ISSN-2231-0789 Latur (MH) (peer-reviewed) PP-50-54
22.               Paper entitled" Self-esteem and achievement motivation among physically challenged and normal students", International journal of education, vol-2, issue-4, aug-2013, (peer-reviewed) PP-11-16
23.              Job satisfaction and occupational stress among Teachers @ Social Science Reporter Vol 4.Issue 4. Nov 2014. 40-50.
24.              A study on mental health and Depression among slum dwellers @ Thematics journal of social sciences Vol 3. Issue 4. Oct 2014. 18-31.
25.               Paper entitled "The impact of socioeconomic status on emotional intelligence and creativity among tribal adolescent students, International journal of Indian psychology, vol:3 issues : 1  pp-112-125,2015 (IF-4.50)
26.               Paper entitled "Assessment of shyness among tribal and rural adolescents and its relationship with vocational interests" International journal of Indian psychology, vol: 3 issue: 1 pp-44-55,2015
27.               Paper entitled "Quality of life among widows" International journal of Indian psychology, vol:3 iss:1 pp-56-68,2015
28.                Paper entitled "The effect of age on uniqueness, simplicity and aliveness among old age people, International journal of Indian psychology,, vol; 3 issues: 1 pp-69-77,2015 
29.              Paper entitled Marital Coping Style Among Working And Non-Working Womens, Indian Literature And Culture Today A Peer-Reviewed  Inter-Disciplinary International Research Journal Vol  4    Issue 10    October 2015
30.               Paper entitled "Political perspectives of dalits in contemporary India", Kanpur philosophers, vol:3 issue :2 pp-177-188 (peer reviewed) ,2016.
31.         Paper entitled" The  Emotional Intelligence And Creativity Among Tribal Adolescent Students, Bulletin Of Indian Society And Culture A Peer-Reviewed  Inter-Disciplinary International Research Journal Vol  4    Issue 3    March 2016
32.              Marital Adjustment And Depression Anxiety And Stress Among Hiv Infected Working And Non-Working Women, Social Science Reporter A Peer-Reviewed Inter-Disciplinary International Research Journal Volume 7, Issue 4, Nov,ISSN- 2231-0789,Pp-125-132.
33.               Paper entitled "Social support and mental health status among HIV and non-HIV people, International journal of Indian psychology,, Vol-6 ,Issue-4 , ISSN 2348-5396 (e).ISSN 2349-3429(P) oct-Dec-2018.h-Index-11,IF-4.50,i index-10.
34.              Marital Adjustment in HIV Infected Working and Non-working Women, Research Arena A Multi-Disciplinary International Refereed Research Journal Vol 5,Issue 12    ISSN 2320-6263 ,UGC Approved Journal No. 64395,Pp-126-130.2018

Book Chapters Written
1.                  Paper entitled “The impact of SES and Locus of control Adjust mental problems of HIV +ve patients, Published in Developments in social sciences(,AAdi publications Jaipur,ISBN-978-93-80902-68-5
2.                  Paper entitled "A study of relationship between quotients and job involvement in women employees" published in Trends in social science (, Aadi publication, Jaipur, ISBN-978-93-80902-69-2.
3.                  Paper entitled "Psychological analysis of corruption: A Review, published in combating corruption in India", Gobichettipalayam, Tamilnadu, ISBN :978-81-910200-4-5,2011.
4. Paper entitled "Women’s states ,role and rights in Islam society" published in Importance of human rights and women empowerment, in Tamilnadu,ISBN:978-81-910200-5-2,2011.
5. Paper entitled "Impact of socio-economic states on adjustment of HIV patients" published in readings in social sciences, Meerut,ISBN:978-93-82166-03-0 (Refereed and International Indexed ).
6.Paper entitled "A study on Postpartum Depression among Women Bearing Female Child" Edited By in Emerging Trends of Research In Higher Education -Vol-II,Govt.First grade College,Vijayapur,ISBN:978-93-5288-496-4,2018,pp-242-246.
7.Paper entitled "Perceiving loneliness among single and both parent children" readings in social science, Anu publications Meerut, ISSBN: 978-93-82166-03-0 (Refereed and International Indexed).

Study Materials Written for  Karnataka State Open University Mysore
1.                  Human Development.(Course 8/9, Block-3), Self Instructional Material (P G Level), Published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukt gangothri, Mysore, 2012.
2.                  Paper entitled "Psychological Testing & Measuremen"t, KSOU, Mysore. Block-4 (M.A. (Final year) 2010.
3.                  Childhood .(Course 2, Block-1-4), Self Instructional Material (U G Level), Published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukt gangothri, Mysore, 2013,pp-143-148.
4.                  Cognitive development in childhood.( Course-2,Block-1-4) Self Instructional Material (UG Level,B.A-II),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2013,pp-149-155.
5.                  ¨Á¯ÁåªÀ¢.( Course-2,Block-1-4,Unit-3) Self Instructional Material (UG Level,B.A-II),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2013,pp-128-134.
6.                  ¨Á¯ÁåªÀ¢üAiÀÄ°è£À ¸ÀAeÁÕ£ÁvÀäPÀ ¨É¼ÀªÀtÂUÉ.( Course-2,Block-1-4,Unit-3) Self Instructional Material (UG Level,B.A-II),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2013,pp-135-141.
7.                  Early programming – role of drugs.( Course-IV, Block-1-4,Unit-5) Self Instructional Material (UG Level,B.A-II),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2014,pp-105-115.
8.                  Rewards, incentives and punishment.(Course-IV, Block-1-4,Unit-6) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2014,pp-116-124.
9.                  Prevention and control of stress and anxiety.(Course-IV, Block-1-4,Unit-7) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2014,pp-125-141.
10.              Self-motivation.(Course-IV, Block-1-4,Unit-8) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2014.pp-142-164.
11.              chemical changes.(Course-IV, Block-1-4,Unit-13) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2014.pp-203-214.
12.              Theories of emotions (Course-IV, Block-1-4,Unit-14) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2014.pp-215-226.
13.              Measurement of emotions. emotions (Course-IV,Block-1-4,Unit-15) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2014.pp-227-243.
14.              Managing negative emotions (Course-IV, Block-1-4,Unit-16) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2014.pp-244-269.
15.              Managing negative emotions (Course-IV, Block-1-4,Unit-16) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2014.pp-244-269.
16.              ¥ÁæAiÉÆÃVPÀ ªÀÄ£ÉÆëeÁÕ£À. (Course-10, Part-02,Practical-1-8) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-IIsem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-01-158.
17.              ªÀåQÛvÀé ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀªÀiÁAiÉÆÃd£É - ¸ÀéAiÀÄA ªÀÄvÀÄÛ UÀÄgÀÄw¸ÀÄ«PÉ.(Course-07, Block-1-4,Unit-9) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-IIsem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-100-113
18.              ¸Àé¥ÀævÀåPÀë£ÀĨsÀªÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ªÀAiÀÄQÛPÀ ¨É¼ÀªÀtÂUÉ. .(Course-07, Block-1-4,Unit-10) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-IIsem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-114-122.
19.              ¸ÁªÀiÁfPÀ ¥ÀævÀåPÁë£ÀĨsÀªÀUÀ¼ÀÄ: ¥Àæ¨sÁªÀ½UÀ¼ÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀA¨sÀAzsÀUÀ¼ÀÄ.(Course-07, Block-1-4,Unit-11) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-IIsem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-123-145.
20.              ¸ÉßúÀ-¦æÃw-KPÁAVvÀ£À. .(Course-07, Block-1-4,Unit-12) Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-IIsem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-146-155.
21.              ¸ÀAeÁÕ£ÁvÀäPÀ ªÀÄ£ÉÆëeÁÕ£ÀzÀ CxÀð,ªÁåSÁå£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, ¸Àé¨sÁªÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ªÁå¦.(Course-III,Block-1-4,Unit-1)Self Instructional Material(PGLevel,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-1-11.
22.              ¸ÀAeÁÕ£ÁvÀäPÀ ªÀÄ£ÉÆëeÁÕ£ÀzÀ «zsÁ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ.(Course-III,Block-1-4,Unit-2)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-12-14.
23.              ZÉÃvÀ£ÁªÀ¸ÉÜAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄ£Àgï «ÃPÀëuÉ.(Course-III,Block-1-4,Unit-3)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-25-37.
24.              ¸ÀAeÁÕ£ÁvÀäPÀ ªÀÄ£ÉÆëeÁÕ£ÀzÀ EwºÁ¸À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀªÀÄPÁ°Ã£À ¢¸ÉUÀ¼ÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¨sÀ«µÀå.(Course-III,Block-1-4,Unit-4)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-38-51.
25.              ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ GvÁàzÀPÀvÉ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CxÉÊð¹PÉƼÀÄî«PÉ.(Course-IV,Block-1-4,Unit-13)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-170-184.
26.              ¤zsÁðgÀ PÉÊUÉƼÀÄî«PÉ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ «ªÉÃZÀ£.(Course-IV,Block-1-4,Unit-14)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-185-203.
27.              ¸ÀªÀĸÉå ¥ÀjºÀj¸ÀÄ«PÉ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀÈd£À ²Ã®vÉ.(Course-IV,Block-1-4,Unit-15)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-204-220.
28.              ¥ÀjPÀ®à£É gÀÆ¥ÀÄUÉƼÀÄî«PÉ.(Course-IV,Block-1-4,Unit-16)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-221-232.
29.              Learning and Memory (Kannada) (Course-II,Block-4,Unit-13)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-156-176.
30.              Emotions (kannada) (Course-II,Block-4,Unit-14)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-177-184.
31.              Motivation (kannada) (Course-II,Block-4,Unit-15)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-185-193.
32.              Personality (kannada) (Course-II,Block-4,Unit-16)Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-Isem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2015.pp-194-202.
33.               Experimental psychology - II. (Course-X,Block-1-8,Unit-1-8 )Self Instructional Material (PG Level,Msc-IIsem),published by the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri,  Mysore, 2016.pp-1-157.
1.                  Psychology of HIV patients published in LAP LAMBERT, GERMANY, and ISBN: 9783846584057, 2012.
2.                  Nomads in Karnataka published in LAP LAMBERT, GERMANY, and ISBN: 978-3-659-19626-3-2012.
3.                  Emerging Research in Psycho-Social Studies (Ed) in AACS Meerrut,2012.
4.                  Vipasana Meditation and Mental Health in Lap LAMBERT,GERMANY, and ISBN:978-620-0-24347-8,2019.
5.                  Marital adjustment in HIV  infected couples, OminiScriptum, G m b H& Co.KG, Germany, ISBN: 978-620-0-29367-1
Other Activities
1.                  Participated in state level N.S.S camp held on 23-09-99 to 2-10-1999 at Jawaharalal Nehru National Engineering College, Simoga, and Karnataka.
2.                  Participated in State level N.S.S Camp held on 12-01-2000 to 19-01-2000 at Agriculture University, Dharwad, and Karnataka.
Projects Completed
1.                  UGC Minor Research Project On  Marital Adjustment Depression Anxiety And Stress Among HIV  Infected Women In Mysore District, dated-30/09/2014  to 18/07/2019. 
Project Under Progress
Orientation / Refresher course
1.                  UGC Sponsored orientation course at ASC, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, held on 02-03-2011 to 26-03-2010 (With “A” grade).
2.                  UGC Sponsored Refresher course at ASC, Punjab University Chandigarh, held on 01.09.2011 to 21.09.2011(with “A” grade).
3.                  UGC Sponsored Refresher Course at HRDC, University of Mysore, held on 02/02/2018 to 22/02/2018 (with "A" grade)
4.                  UGC Sponsored One week Short term course at HRDC , University of Mysore, held on 12/02/2019 to 18/02/2019
Academy Member (life member)
1.                  Indian Academy of Applied psychology Chennai.
2.                  International association of Holistic psychology, Tiruppur,India.
3.                  Indian School Psychology Association(InSPA) Puducherry,India.
4.                  Academy of Psychology Tirupati (AP)
5.                  Indian Association of Mental Health, Dharwad
6.                  Karnataka government college teachers association, Bangalore.
7.                  Kannada literature association, Bangalore.
Editorial Board Members National and International Journals
1.                  Editor-in-chief Social Psychology , refereed Interdisciplinary International research Journal of Indotech Lathur.
2.                  Guest editor in Contemporary research in India , Peer reviewed Interdisciplinary International research Journal, Solapur.
3.                  Editorial-In-Chief Board Member in Social Science Reporter ,Thematics,Peer reviewed Interdisciplinary International research Journal,Mharastra.
4.                  Editorial Board Member in  Thematics  Journal of Social Sciences-A peer-reviewed International Journal,(MH).
Board of Studies
1.                  Kuvempu University, Shankergatha, Simoga (KARNATAKA).
2.                  Karnataka open university, Mysore (KARNATAKA).
3.                  Mandya University,Manday (KARNATAKA).
Board of Examinations
1.                  Department of Psychology (PG), University of Bangalore,  Bangalore
2.                  Department of Psychology (PG), University of Gulbarga, Kalaburgi
3.                  Department of Psychology (PG), University of Simoga,Shankargatha,Simoga
4.                  Department of Psychology (PG), University of Tumukur,Tumukuru.
5.                  Department of Psychology,(PG), University of University of Mysore,Mysuru
6.                  Department of Psychology (UG), University of Mandya, Mandya.
7.                  Department of Psychology (PG), Karnataka  state open university, Mysore

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